Saturday, November 2, 2013

Introducting: Avery Florentine Harris!

Here she is!
Avery Florentine Harris
Everyone is Happy & Healthy
DOB: 11/1/13 4:00 AM
Weight: 10 lbs, 12 oz (!!)
Length: 20.5"

Now that she is born and has an official name, I have created a separate website just for our wee baby Avery: Most updates and photos and what-not will go in there.

Thanks so much to everyone for all your love and support these past nine months. This is just the beginning!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013


We had another ULTRAsound on Thursday, but wee beb refused to turn her head in such a way that we could get good pictures, so nothing new.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Baby Room = Painted!

Here is the color:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Yes, please!

A very thoughtful article, with which I agree wholeheartedly:

Lyz Lenz: Let My Daughter Roughhouse

I can't stop people from telling their children that girls don't run, yell, punch, or get rowdy. But I wish I could.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Girls Will Be...

Wow, I really hope this company is still around by the time my daughter is old enough to wear their clothes!


We had another ULTRAsound today! There weren't any good pictures, so we didn't take any home. Baby looks good and healthy, though!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Don't Give My Baby Whooping Cough! Jeez!

Anyone who wants to handle Baby Girl Harris, please make sure your whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine is up-to-date. Thanks!

Protect Your Baby from Whooping Cough.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Most Recent Ultrasound Images

Here is the baby's Right Foot. As you can see, it has all necessary toes!

This is baby girl's Skull! BEBS HAS A SKULLY!

In case you were having trouble seeing the skull, I rotated the previous image 90-degree counter-clockwise and superimposed a skull diagram on top of it so you could see it better. Also, I did this to creep you out.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Who Wants to Know the Gender of the Baby?

Due to a chromosome test, we learned the gender of the baby MUCH earlier than we thought we would be able to! It's the 21st century! SCIENCE!

Do you want to know the gender of the Harris/Hamm baby? Read on...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Carrie's First Mother's Day!

Today is Carrie's first-ever Mother's Day! I got her one if these as a present:

It is a Snoogle!

It was a big hit.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Official Baby Announcement

Hello! Monday was my birfday, ’tis true. But this announcement is not about MY birfday. It’s about another Birfday that is soon-to-be. For, you see…

Yes, it’s true! A small handful of you are already aware of this, but Carrie caught the preggers! Sometime around Halloween she will release our wee beb into the world. It’s terrifically exciting! HAPPY BIRFDAY TO ME!

So, some brief info: mum and baby both seem to be having a completely normal pregnancy. We won’t learn the gender for another few weeks. And we won’t reveal the baby’s name until AFTER it is borned.

I am not going to post baby updates on, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or anything like that. I am only going to post updates in 2 places: Here in this new blog, and in a Facebook group that I just created: